“We like her just the way she is”: RE says goodbye to the unforgettable Ms. Lindsay Danielson

After her last day at RE, Ms. Danielson gave a heartfelt speech to the student body.

Being the Dean of Students is no easy job, and when you add English teacher, soccer coach, and COVID-19 coordinator to the mix, it seems like a nearly impossible task. Nevertheless, Ms. Lindsay Danielson juggled these responsibilities seamlessly while connecting deeply with students and faculty. In her last moments at RE, she signed off with a Mr. Rogers quote, something she always loved to do. She told each member of the community, “There’s no person in the whole world like you, and I like you just the way you are.”

The Catalyst reached out to people all throughout the RE community who spoke about how Ms. Danielson cared for each of them from the bottom of her heart. They explained how she emanated joy throughout campus. She walked around with steady purpose, but always remained approachableShe had days that were booked down to the very minute, and still made time for her students.  

As an English teacher, her students appreciated her love of knowledge and passion to help them learn and grow. She brought an uplifting and light-hearted tone to her classroom, and her students were able to improve as better learners and better people. She did not teach on the surface of the materialshe taught so that her students could dive deep into literature and think beyond just their grades. Ms. Danielson knew how to intellectually inspire her pupils to become active contributors of society.  

Ms. Danielson also fostered confidence and persistence in her players on the soccer field. She never sacrificed quality for quantity. She preached appreciation and gratefulness day in and day out; it was these values that motivated her athletes, students, and colleagues to foster a positive mindset for themselves and their future.  

Ms. Danielson’s down-to-earth mannerisms grounded her and allowed her to plow through challenges. Instead of becoming agitated in tough situations, she was always able to connect with her students and colleagues to generate positive outcomes. No matter how sensitive the infraction was, Ms. Danielson always had an open mind and an open heart. 

Ms. Danielson was the glue that kept our school together. It is very in character of her that she is going on to start a school that works to improve the lives and character of adolescent boys in the juvenile justice and foster care systems. She told the RE community that the goal of the school “is not only academic but also social and emotional, thus reducing recidivism and thereby yielding young men proud of who they are.” She pursued these same values of empowerment and self-worth at RE.   

As she embarks on her new journey, RE families and faculty members will undoubtedly miss her presence. Below is a collection of memories and messages that speak to the enormous impact she had on our community 

“Ms. Danielson has an overwhelming love for her students and the discipline of English. She is able to connect with others deeply through the shared experience of reading, writing and discussing, and she works tirelessly to ensure that the level of her classes always push the students to be their best. She is also incredibly quick-witted and funny; I could always count on her for a quick quip, a joke to brighten my day, or a humorous take on any situation. Mrs. Danielson exemplified that third class of person; selfless service is at the core of her being, and this is demonstrated in her decision to take up this new position. She showed me how to combine service, academics, humor and love – and I will always be grateful to her for her mentorship and lifelong friendship!” 

– Dr. Matthew Helmers, Upper School English Coordinator  

“I appreciate how much Ms. Danielson did for every student at Ransom. She always managed to put a smile on my face, and she was one of the few people who really cared to help me when I needed it most. She was more than an administrator. More than just a teacher. She was a friend to me when no one else was. I always felt safe around her, and her calm kindness made me feel comfortable enough to talk to her about anything I needed to get off my chest. Ms. Danielson made me feel like I mattered, and for me, her compassion and overwhelming love for every student at Ransom has been what’s made my RE experience unforgettable.” 

– Annabelle Sanders ’23 

“My freshman year I had Ms. Danielson as an English teacher, so I got to know her quite well. About halfway through October, I was getting extremely overwhelmed with my classes and the amount of schoolwork I had, and I was in a bad place, emotionally. One day, I just broke down after forgetting to do an assignment because I had so many. I left my class in tears and went straight to Ms. Danielson’s office. I remember vividly, sitting in her office, crying for at least an hour and a half. Now, it seems so silly that I was so upset about it. Moreover, I’m sure Ms. Danielson had a lot of work to do. Nonetheless, she sat with me and calmed me down and comforted me for an entire block period. I don’t know what I would’ve done if she hadn’t been there for me that day and for the rest of my freshman year. She never failed to make me feel heard at Ransom.” 

 Katya Sucher ‘22 

“Outside the classroom, Ms. Danielson was one of the best soccer coaches I have ever had. As a goalie she would play with us in scrimmages and was constantly pushing us to the next level, making us aware that every second we spent on the field was a gift and we should not take it for granted. For her practices were not the time to joke around- it was the time to work hard so we could be the best. At the same time, she established a bond with each and every one of us and was always a friendly face in the hallway. I’m forever grateful for those two years she was our coach and how much she improved me as a player.” 

– Maya Rego ’21 

I had Ms. Danielson as a teacher this past year and her presence as a whole greatly enhanced not only my experience in English class, but at Ransom. The overwhelming spirit she brought into class every day made the learning environment 100 times better. She always made the classroom feel like a safe space and made everyone feel welcomed. She was extremely understanding and kind and helped accommodate everyone’s needs. She so clearly cared about everyone, not just as students but as people.” 

– Eliza Arnold ’24 

“Ms. Danielson finished every meeting with my by asking ‘and how are you doing? How are you feeling about all this? Are you okay?’ and that made all the difference for me. In all the projects we worked together on for SGA, she made me feel like I was important. The best interest of the student body was always at the forefront of her mind.” 

– Georgia Crosby ’21 

“Ms. Danielson cared about the students at RE as if they were her own family. No matter how busy she was, she always made time for us. Ms. Danielson was the most devoted, caring, and passionate faculty member the school has ever had. RE will not be the same without her.” 

– Ella Rubell ’21 

Every time that I asked Ms. Danielson a question, sent her an email, or just said hello, I could tell that she genuinely cared. She truly made everyone feel welcome and was an amazing person to have on campus.” 

– Harrison Leiber ’21 

“For the question of how Ms. Danielson enhanced my RE experience, I want to say that she had one of the most interesting/enjoyable English classes I have taken. She also had a funny way of avoiding curse words. Instead, she would say cheese and rice! 

– Santiago Duckenfield ‘22